About the First-In, First-Out method
FIFO stands for “first in, first out.” This approach basically posits that when putting groceries away, you should take the time to move the older produce or ingredients to the front of the fridge or pantry, and place the newer items at the back. That way, you’ll reach for the older stuff that needs to be used first.
Helps with food waste
Left with a few unwelcome surprises at the back of your fridge? Wilted herbs, a rotten tomato, a container of leftovers you forgot about… Adopting the FIFO approach ensures you have older ingredients within eyesight, which will force you to use them up before they go bad.

What to Do with Extra Herbs
A great meal-planning asset
Ingredients that are within view means they can make a great jumping-off point for dinner. So be sure to jot down the perishable ingredients that you have on hand and plan your meals accordingly. One trick we particularly like for our pantry is having a small basket that contains any and all of your opened bags of food, such as pasta, rice, crackers, dried legumes, etc. This way, everything that needs to be used is right there, and acts as a reminder to not open that new bag of lentils quite yet!
If you tend to buy storage containers for cereal and other dry goods, don’t forget to consolidate the new with the old. Be sure to empty out the container, wash and dry it, and then pour in the new contents before adding back the old.