What causes hands to smell after handling garlic and onion?
When you chop into an onion or garlic, sulphur compounds are released, which causes their molecules to transfer onto your skin. These are the same compounds that are released when you chop onions and your eyes start to burn.
How to get rid of it
First, wet your hands and then find a stainless steel surface or item. It can be your kitchen faucet, the side of a sink, a kitchen utensil, etc. Then simply rub your hands on the metal a few times. As if like magic, the odour should disappear!
online store
Stainless Steel Soap RICARDO
Why does it work?
When you touch wet hands to stainless steel, the metal in the steel clings to the sulphur molecules left behind on your hands, transferring both the molecules and the odour off your hands and onto the metal. It’s just chemistry!
Read this article and find out how you can chop onions without shedding a tear!