
Does an Avocado Pit Keep Guacamole From Turning Brown?

You’ve probably heard that adding the avocado pit to your guacamole will keep it from browning. Is this true or merely an urban legend? We were curious to test it out for ourselves!

First observation: It’s true that the pit prevents guacamole from browning, but only the part directly under the pit. In fact, there’s no magic to it; the pit simply blocks contact with the air. It’s not very effective, given that the rest of the guacamole will brown anyway.


To keep your guacamole from browning, simply add some lime juice (which is a traditional ingredient in Mexican guacamole) because it contains ascorbic acid, an antioxidant compound that prevents browning. The surface can also be protected by covering it with plastic film and pressing it directly onto the guacamole.

To find out more on how to cut and enjoy your avocado, be sure to read this article:

Christina Blais

For Christina Blais, explaining food chemistry to the masses is as simple as making a good omelet. Holding a Bachelor and Master degree in Nutrition, she has been a part-time lecturer for over 30 years in the Department of Nutrition at the Université de Montréal, where she teaches food science courses. She has been sharing the fruits of her experience with Ricardo since 2001, during his daily show broadcast on ICI Radio-Canada Télé. And diehards can also read her Food Chemistry on our website. You can follow her on Facebook at @Encuisineavecchristinablais.