
Trending: Make Way for Low-Alcohol Drinks

Alongside the alcohol-free trend, lighter (i.e., low-alcohol) drinks are becoming the norm, too. Breweries and microbreweries are starting to launch products containing 4% alcohol or less.

This is the case with Knowlton Co’s light beer, which was originally created for cyclists who stopped and took a break at their Eastern Township restaurant.

While wines have a higher and higher alcohol content due to climate change, clients are often looking for light versions, at under 12%. To find some, zero in on wines from Quebec or Alsace, France.

As for spirits, you’ll find Hera whisky liqueur from Quebec, with a 25% alcohol content. Mixologist Patrice Plante even published the book Boire mieux (“Drink well”) containing recipes for low-alcohol and alcohol-free cocktails, as well as a basic explanation of how they’re made.

For more on food trends, be sure to read our selection of articles: