1. Ginger
Always grab a piece of ginger root whenever you hit the supermarket. Why? Because it’s cheap and can infuse any dish with so much flavour! Yes, that telltale spiciness not only tastes great in stir-fries, soups or as a glaze for fish, but we also love it in cookies, cocktails…and you can even make your own ginger beer.

Ginger Beer
2. Vinegar
Ah, vinegar. This tart and acidic condiment can just make so many dishes better! It makes sauces and salad dressings tangy, is great for pickling, and there’s no shame in adding a few glugs to your French fries! Best of all, there are so many varieties available, including white, apple cider, balsamic, rice, etc.

Vinegar Chicken Legs

Pickled Eggs
3. Fresh herbs
Cilantro on your tacos, fresh parsley on your shrimp pasta, dill in your potato salad… Bunches of herbs tend to sit in your crisper and wilt, leading to much food waste, but they are such wonderful ingredients! Not only do they add freshness and colour as a garnish, herbs can also play a more starring role in many recipes. So be sure to stock up!

Spinach and Herb Stew with Crispy Lentils

Cod and Herb Gratin
4. Coconut milk
That can of coconut milk in your pantry? While you’re likely saving it for a comforting curry, there are so many other ways to use this rich and creamy ingredient. It can add so much flavour to soup, make a delicious sauce or dressing, or be used in a stir-fry. Of course, on the sweet side, it’s a great addition to the likes of smoothies, scones, puddings and cakes.
5. Limes
A few cheap limes in your grocery cart will make all the difference in your recipes this week. Not only do a few squirts add some zing to tacos, pad thai or fish, limes bring a brightness to any dessert as well, like muffins, flan or pie. And to ensure you use the whole lime, don’t forget to use the peel! Grated zest tastes great on a fruit salad and can even perk up a bowl of popcorn.

Chicken Tacos with Lime and Watermelon

Zucchini Lime Muffins
6. Sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds are one of those things you can mindlessly eat out of a bag in one sitting! But while they make a great snack, they also add flavour and crunch to a variety of recipes. Enjoy them atop veggies or in a salad, in a trail mix or granola, blend them in a spread or homemade butter, and even bake them in cookies. The possibilities are just endless!

Spicy Olive and Sunflower Spread
7. Peanuts
As far as nuts go, peanuts are among the cheapest you can find at the grocery store. You can use them to make your own homemade (and more affordable!) peanut butter, include them in desserts (like peanut brittle or fudge), and sprinkle them over a variety of savoury dishes.

Tofu with Peanut Sauce

Thai Mango Salad with Peanuts
For more budget-friendly ideas, check out our selection of recipes: